Room number 214 Powstańców Śląskich St. 5-7 Zabrze +48 532 99 30 99


Feel free to contact us in all matters
related to startups and investments in Zabrze!

Contact with us

Janusz Dramski

Startup Officer
+48 532 99 30 99
Office address
St. Powstańców Śląskich 5-7
41-800 Zabrze, Room number 214

Write to us

By providing your details in the contact form, we treat your conduct as an express action to confirm that you consent to the processing of the details you have provided by us for the purposes necessary to deal with the matter with which you are addressing us. Your data is processed by the Mayor of the City of Zabrze in order to establish contact with you in the matter of which you are writing to us. Providing your information is voluntary, but necessary for us to contact you. For more information on the protection of your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy and Cookies.