Room number 214 Powstańców Śląskich St. 5-7 Zabrze +48 532 99 30 99

MedTech Meetup invitation

February 14, 2020 admin 0 Comments

MedTech Meetup invitation

We invite you to the MedTech Meetup event, which will take place on February 27th at 17:00 in Zabrze. The aim of the initiative is to build a community at the borderline of business and science in the field of startups and technology in the field of medicine and related areas. Special guests and speakers will be PhD Rafał Witkowski (founder and CEO, IC Solutions) and Prof. PŚ PhD Marcin Kaczmarek (Deputy Dean for Infrastructure and Development, Silesian University of Technology).

The participation is free of charge. Number of places limited. Registration applies. >>>